islenska` 31.03.06 the battle begins_____
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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Yeahh..!!! Tmr going overseas liao =) 12 days no come back so i think 12 days no post..haiis dunno y i started mapling agn ...... the new job Aran make ur finger tired de T.T . Miss going to school .. Haiis actually this year going underwater diving =D but wdf i too young T.T the lungs not strong enough to carry enough oxygen T.T if i go i die .. Hope next year oso going diving ! Aiyah hope next year pass PSLE 1st or no point ..cant go -_- k i go pack my things le bbuaiis =)

Battled at || 1:22 AM

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

i cant believe that ... i think in school is better then at home ..but when im in school i keep thinking of playing .. but play toooo long wanna do something else but have nth to do so feel like going to school so that can disturb frens =) (disturb i meant by making them angry so they chase me around =P).

Battled at || 12:04 AM

Friday, November 13, 2009

back from camp =) although its oni 2 day 1 night i suffered alot wif no computer T.T This camp so damn boring =.=" the teachers and instructers always nag T.T . But atleast got 1 instructer named instructer daniel that dun nag and scold =) he very gay and funny lol . K although im now very fringgin' tired i muz play computer until atleast 2 =)

Battled at || 5:22 AM

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

tmr going camp =) .. haiis becoz of this stupid camp i have to chiong buy things =.= lucky the sports shop still open or die le =) i went thr about 9.30 T.T haiis if this camp fun its worth it wasting my energy walking and testing the shoe and track pants all this =).

Battled at || 5:56 AM

Monday, November 9, 2009

Muahahahah i found out a SECRET abt yu kai >=). Today i went wif ying jie, germaine, yu kai and myself of cuz to mama shop .. i brought along my sis cos i scare she lost ma. Then when we reach mama shop we meet yj they all le den when she saw my sister she say she very cute LOL. Then yu kai say no la she not cute ( the she refer to my sis) then yj say cute lo . After that yu kai go say YJ cute LOL . So obviously yu kai like yj >=) this is the secret behind yu kai.. BTW juz wanna evrybody noe take care yu kai will come flirt u de ~~

Laoda if u read my blog yu kai is x33emoboiiii ^^

If u dunno hu the ppl are gimmi $1 i tell u =)

Battled at || 10:15 PM

Sunday, November 8, 2009

WDF..Today sibei sian =.= i almoz got destroyed by ivan (i anyhow say he flirt wif the ..dunno uh la =.=)and when i take MRT going to reach Simei i rmbed tat i have brought my phone and wallet but i nvr take key so i check my bag really no key sia!!den i quicky take my phone and wanted to ask my grandpa come Simei help open the door but den suay sia my phone no battery =.= . Haiis but when me and my sis reach home we saw the back door open .. my mother was inside i tot kena ransacked =X anyway when my grandpa reached my house my suay gone!! He treated me and my sis KFC =)

Battled at || 10:50 PM

Thursday, November 5, 2009

oh yea i rmbed i told u that i saw a vid the guy face split into half i finally found it
I've found it u go watch so damn bloody sick =.=

Battled at || 10:33 PM

today ROXX!! Our relief teacher gave us 2hrs free time =) So Me, Bryan And Wei Liang Did some evil stuff =P!! we were bored bryan suggest quick finish hw while i and wei liang suggest to do some crappy stuff >:) . Wei Liang stole germaine's elmo(toy) and we destroyed it into a piece of crap !! we stuff cotton wool on the mouth and tape it and Domo's hand(yj's pencil case de hand) and handcuff germaine's elmo >:) after we stole germaine's string thingy and tie the whole body it so bloody funny ^^ . Lastly the pervy wei liang start decoing elmo ^^ he go draw elmo wif breast and draw the below thing got hair LOL. Once we give the elmo back germaine duwan it liaos ^^ But den YJ say, "Walaooo Germaine, that elmo i give u de leh!!"(or smth liddat =.=) so germaine bo choice she HAVE to keep it (i think =X)

Battled at || 9:48 PM

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

haiis today got back SA2 exam paper except maths paper 2 ..i failed all agn sia WDF i felt so sian >< but...i think i passed my maths my result for paper 1 were nice and smexy!! =X Wonder wad will happen if i tell my mother about my results will i die ? or live ? T.T

Battled at || 9:56 PM

Monday, November 2, 2009

wahhh today science exam ^^ veryyy EASY!!=) got confience i can pass =) oh yea today social study exam oso it was sooo difficult i had to tikam o.o i did the SS exam in 15mins =) den still got 45min spare time i go draw at my SS WB the teacher see oso heck care =P Haiis i wanna go camping SOUND interesting T.Tand tmr getting back maths exam paper and eng..eng i not sure have get back anot

Battled at || 9:44 PM

Sunday, November 1, 2009

haiis.....bzy playing T.T so cant post sry~~now i seldom post cos now sch reopen nth interesting le ~~!! Hate teachers badly !@#$%^&*() =.=. OH YEAH i wan recommend games to ppl hu are bored i gib u website <--go play mousehunt =) and <--asiasoft game very shiok de =P. Some ppl think GA(GA=getamp)is lame cos they always get PWN ^^. but its very shiok play alot will get addict like yu kai . yu kai wasted 50k ++ @cash on GA sia =.= oh yeah . yu kai like 2 ppl sia still buy 20k @cash for em each !! i ask him gimmi la dun buy for gals he say aiya so late then tell me and he still have the $$ to buy @cash in his wallet =.= I wun tell hu he like later make him shy shy =X

Battled at || 9:42 PM

The Fighter


Drawing manga
Roasted pork
Good food
Being GL =X
Disturbing ppl !!
Annoying ppl !!
Irritating ppl !!


Smelly ppl(NO OFFENCE =.=)
Those that always disturb me
Inconsiderate ppl
Brain got prob de ppl


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