islenska` 31.03.06 the battle begins_____
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Monday, October 26, 2009

Kays..SCH IS NOW OPENED AND ITS TIME FOR PUPIL TO GET FEDDUP OF SCH ^^ AND TEACHER TO GET FEDDUP OF PUPILS ^^. Juz wanna wish u gd luck slping and getting teacher feddup so they would give up on us and we can do wadeva we want ^^.

Battled at || 6:37 AM

Saturday, October 24, 2009

PS EVRYBODY i long time no post.....Today ahh... make fun of p6 LOL they 2 cpl and very PITY xP. I guai lan until they wan to beat me sia =X it was so funneh. PSLE marking day is shiok!! i tuesday and friday go to my cousin house wa thr very fun ^^. But my 2 yr(maybe not 2 maybe 3 or 4 i forgot le...) old cousin always cry .... Then she evrytime blame us when she started the trouble =.= Lucky i got a mouth full wif excuses =D. And tomorrow that is this Sunday im going to their house agn ^^ the most thing i hate going to their house that i muz wake at 6.30-7.00 T.T Its juz like school .The most thing i like doing thr was playing basketball thr and cycling ^^ at first i forgot how to cycle...the feeling was like *Omg JIALAT le 8 yr old girl noe how cycle 100x more den a 11 yr old boy!!*=X....But before we play we muz from 9.30 do assesments,hw and others. After we play we go fetch my cousin that is their small bro from Sunbird thingy(smth like student care).Although my cousin was very young (he i think!!1-2 yrs old)but DANGEROUS i am scared of him ...he always does smth that i hate to me!!but i wun reveal wat he did =).But sometime he is not so aggressive but very guai guai watch TV =)

Battled at || 1:32 AM

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today so unlucky .. i have headache, running nose, block nose and cough..haiis but today i in the medical centre..i kept talking to my mother lol. I talk until some1 asked me to shut up =X. Haiis feeling slpy ..

Battled at || 9:57 PM

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Alright evry1 im gonna share a story about me
One cool and breezy afternoon after school. While i was walking home i saw a toy that i like in the toy store, the thoy was a toy plane. I went in the shop and ask the uncle how much does it costs
I asked,"Ehh uncle this toy palne how much o.o"
The uncle said, "It costs $50."
I gave the uncle a monopoly $50
The uncle shouted at me,"Ermm..boy u give me fake money u know ?"
I said,"this toy also fake so i give fake money lo o.o"

I think its a very INTERESTING story =X

Battled at || 3:52 AM

Monday, October 5, 2009

Today...Dunno why my phone the inside got crushed I think becoz exam that time nid put bag outside some1 kick it T-T .

Battled at || 11:16 PM

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Arghh...Today play wif firework thingy burn my index finger, now hard to draw manga.........~~!
Haiis anyway i would like to say gangster are sore loser, scaredy cat. Although they gangsters they are noobs nid gang to help like a baby 1st time walking nid help de. So juz wanna tell evrybody that gangster = sore loser ^^

Battled at || 6:42 AM

The Fighter


Drawing manga
Roasted pork
Good food
Being GL =X
Disturbing ppl !!
Annoying ppl !!
Irritating ppl !!


Smelly ppl(NO OFFENCE =.=)
Those that always disturb me
Inconsiderate ppl
Brain got prob de ppl


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Tag me b4 u leave although i dunno wad tagging for ..

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August 2009
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December 2009