islenska` 31.03.06 the battle begins_____
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Haiss so bored nth to do .. and nth to post ..

Battled at || 2:28 AM

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Haiis nvr post very long liao ...nth to post sia i so talkative oso nth to say today . OH YAH!! Today my cousin show me 1 video its so freakin bloody and disgusting sia...1 boy from high high jump down inside water ... the 2nd boy... jump and hit the side of the pool the the face split into half i look at it SOOO dam bloody !!! Arghhh shd not have watch that video now i think about the face kena split into half ...walao so dam disgusting ...Aiya mai talk about that bloody face anymore le . Manga Rox =P

Battled at || 12:16 PM

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Waalaaaoooo!!Today DAMN SIAN yu kai & jian hui trick me go hou gang than i stuck there sia WDF...lucky jian hui not as bad as a evil asshole that TRICKED me and made me STUCK in hou gang. Haiis atleast i got a good friend jian hui kind hearted ..Next time ah really wont trust yu kai anymore even if i died(i think).

Battled at || 3:56 AM

Monday, September 14, 2009

Oh ya for ppl hu have easy get stress i noe cures ^^. 1st is best cure laz louya cure eat snacks(not including rice and noodles)
2.try to sleep(so u forget about ur stress ^^) smth that u like
4.On air-con relax
5.stress toy(if this trick dun work use the trick on top)
Oh ya if non of these work i think you should not even bother to live so give up HECK CARE AND SUICIDE(jkjk =X).

Battled at || 4:40 AM

Arghhh! SCHOOL REOPEN NOW ITS TIME TO BE BORED TO DEATH !! I really feel like whacking the teacher wif something, kill i also don't mind, as long as the teacher shut up i happy.Okay i drew a picture of teacher being whack by me but before you want tell teacher, (for ppl in my class or sch)i juz wanna tell u NO OFFENCE FOR THOSE TEACHER IN OUR SCHOOL !!K so want tell ask them read this 1st =D.But really ah this juz a picture mai misunderstand my good boyness =P

Battled at || 4:25 AM

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Finally i noe how put this picture in as my teacher AngMor Lion !! tot me how ^^.
This pic is in maple wif my lion fwens =P . Haiis at 1st this pic so small lucky i smart enuff to enlarge it ^^

Battled at || 8:05 AM

OMG 10.30 liao i still gt zuo wen to do sia T.T i now quickly post this den continue revise le i muz pass stupid EXAM !!!

Battled at || 7:29 AM

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hii evrybody today i gonna share my 2 short poem created by my brain =)

The 1st poem goes like this :
I entered a fog,
I saw a frog,
It turned into a dork,
He gave me a fork,
I used the fork to eat PORK!

The 2nd porm goes like this :
Hi, my name is Bob,
I have a job,
I was sad,
Cos my boss was bad,
And once i got hired,
I got fired :( .

Battled at || 6:53 AM

Friday, September 11, 2009

Haiis today..bouncing ball at pavement...i acci bounce till the road and almost got bang by a car T.T

Battled at || 10:29 PM

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Waaahhh!! Today best day of all (I think).Today morning my sis went to hospital do wad test o.o I think she nid go mental hospital cos she crazy =P.After my mother , my sis, my cousins and I went to eat swensens waa I eat till I bloated liao =).Next ,actually want to go watch movie G-Force(3D) at 2.30 de (around that time)but too late the movie start and we 30min late for the movie(I think)so we watch the next movie at 4.20. While waiting for 2hrs we all went to play arcade(not grandling mai anyhow sabo me)I play the arcade game until my shoe spoil then need buy new de.But i duwan buy new shoe waste money might as well gimmi =P.When it was 4.10 we go to the movie buy snacks(e.g popcorn ,soda)then we all went in to watch. It was very shiok sia after watching the 3D movie i got headache. Hope can watch 3D movies again =D or even better 4D de =P.

Battled at || 3:38 AM

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Today sister sick need cook thing for her...i cook 2 sausage den forgot that i am cooking ..the sausage now chow tar liao she ate 1 sausage throw the other away hahahaha.Atleast im not that sotong to burn a pot like SOMEONE =X. Oh ya joelle's blog sux so much words sia and the poem make no sense read liao confirm ur brain spoil de and evrything is crap the world smartest person oso cannot understand derhs..better dun go joelle blog or u become completely stupid =D.

Battled at || 2:08 AM

Monday, September 7, 2009

finally..know how make blogskins from my teacher yonuice =P
now start from today continue posting liaos =D

Battled at || 9:30 PM

The Fighter


Drawing manga
Roasted pork
Good food
Being GL =X
Disturbing ppl !!
Annoying ppl !!
Irritating ppl !!


Smelly ppl(NO OFFENCE =.=)
Those that always disturb me
Inconsiderate ppl
Brain got prob de ppl


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[Designed by islenska] [Blogger] [Blogskins]

Buddy Chat

Tag me b4 u leave although i dunno wad tagging for ..

My Past~~

August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009